Sunday, January 31, 2021

Can You Believe, Girls, We Are One Twelfth Through 2021????????????????????

                                              January sure what faster than I thought, darlings.  I managed to at least read ten books, including the mammoth "Ducks, Newburyport."  Biden  got in--Whew!!!!!!!!!!   And now we are having trouble accessing the vaccine.  So, here we go again.  Same shit, different year.

                                                And  yet I am optimistic.  We had fun  last night with "Earth Vs. The  Spider."  I am still  amazaed how Carol was able  to maintain her Fifties  hairstyle  and wardrobe climbing  over  that terrain,  and  skulking  in and out of that cave.  And then to be menaced by a huge spirder while trapped in  its web, which looked like some  kinky rope game  at a  gay bar.  Horrors!

                                                    Next week, girls,--oh, my God!--it  is "The Black Scorpion."  Svengooli is  certainly pulling  out some  choice items to make our Saturday nights memorable.

                                                       What was the highlight of January.  Maybe the awful "Black  Narcissus,  or shopping, or trips  to the pharmacy.  Perhaps my trip  to Three Lives Bookstore.

                                                          February, Blythe Danner celebrates another  birthday, there  is  the  day Bernadette saw the vision, and  Valentine's  Day.   I don't know  what the last will bring,  but let's face it,  girls--

                                                            Today,  fun is where you have  to  find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              See you in  February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!