Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Candlemass Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Along with being the first  day of February, this is also Candlemass Eve.  This is  the night the witches  mock  the rituals of the Church (Catholic, of  course!) and--OMG!--sacrifice a virgin.  But  what is a poor  witch to do?  Each year, it gets more and  more  difficult to find one.

                                    Virtue  had better start being kept, or else the  witches  will  become  desperate. and go  after anybody!   Even tramps! TRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!  How  far  have  standards dropped?

                                        Stay safe, tonight,  dears.  Lock  your doors,  make sure a  dead bird  is not  left on  your  premises, and that  a  curicfix--for  The  Shadow Of  The  Cross--is  within  reach!

                                          Watch  out  for  lit candles, tonight, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I used to read Adventures From the Book of Virtues to the grandchildren.

  2. Horror Hotel? Not the one Shelly Berman stayed in.
    I gotta check this blog way the hell more often. Happy relatively new year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Tom,
    So good to hear from you.
    Where are you these days, and where?

  5. UWS, with a friend. looking for a reasonable share.

    South Central Brooklyn United for Progress
    February 6 at 1:22 PM ·
    We have a packed schedule for our City Council candidate interviews, and the list is growing! These will be hosted on Zoom and then posted to our Facebook and YouTube pages afterwards. Visit our event calendar for the Zoom links and latest updates:


  6. Tom,
    Thanks for the info. Will check
    your stuff out. Keep in touch on here.

  7. Tom,
    And a belated happy new year to you.
    Did you know I had a heart ablation for
    tachycardia at NYU? 2020 was somehting!
