Thursday, February 11, 2021

On February 11, 1858!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is the day, darlings!  One hundred sixty three years ago,  on a  Thursday afternoon,  at the Grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes, France, the  Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette  Soubirous.  The  event  changed the many lives  of  those  present,  and  even afterward--consider  Jennifer Jones, and myself,  for starters.

                                Bernadette is whom  I look  to  for  guidance,  inspiration,  and  strength, when I pray.  She is hardly my patron  saint, but my favorite,  nevertheless.  So,  I want  all  you  out there  to remember her on this  day,  and how much she  has  done for us, will continue  to  do,  and, in  the  face  of  Covid, may eventually come  to  do.  Yes, girls, keep a watch  out!

                                   So, let us hear it  for  Mary  and  Bernadette, today!

                                   Even  the Jerfferson Starship believed in  "Miracles!"


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