Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What Happened To The Skinny Cow? And Why?????????????????????

                                                 I know, and understand,  girls, why childhood icons like Aunt Jemima, Eustace, on "Cream  Of Wheat," Uncle Ben, and the "Land O' Lakes" squaw, have vanished.  I may not be happy about  it,  but I understand it.  And the Lucky Charms  leprechaun is still around, because he is White.

                                                    But what about The Skinny Cow?  Is it guilty of any politcal inorrectness?  I always thought it helped promote  bovine imagery.

                                                     Lately, when I go shopping, I see the product,  but  no cow  pictured anywhere, any longer.  What is going on?  This  is unfaiir to cows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       I demand the return of The Skinny Cow,  who is a complete innocent. And  I am counting  on all my girls,  to back me  up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         When will it stop?  Tony, The Tiger?  The "Trix" Rabbit?  Markie Maypo????????????????

                                                            And don't even  get me started on the Cocoa  Marsh  Lion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. aww bring her back; such a sassy pose too!!
    Is Elsie, the Borden cow, still on their packaging?
    Remember Carnation’s “milk from contented cows” ads!!!


  2. Victoria,

    I am not sure if the Borden's
    company is in business anymore.
    A shame, because I loved Elsie!
