Sunday, February 28, 2021

You May Be Wondering......

                                              About this blog, darlings.  Well, let's face  it, Covid 19 has impacted everyone, so why not this blog??????????????

                                                You may have noticed no more "Bitch Of The Week," and very little  on true crime and/or serial  killers.  That does not mean they are  not still  out there.  What it means is  that,  with David  working  from  home,  I have less time to write, and since we are living in such trying times, I want to  give  readers some  hope on here, so I  have done  away with some  potentially morbid posts, in favor  of more hopeful  ones.

                                                      When I  feel the  time has  come  to return to the  grotesque, I will.  Rest assured,  it will not  go away.  

                                                          But hope,  humor,  and  camp are  on  the menu now, so  if  it lifts your day, that  is my intention.

                                                            The bitches can wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Faith, Hope, and Love; but the greatest of these is LOVE


  2. Victoria,

    I agree. And I am thankful
    for the love I have!
