Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Can You Believe It Was 58 Years Ago Today, Darlings??????????????????????

                                                        To think, girls, I was raised to be Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette," only to turn out more like her,  as Pearl  Chavez in "Duel In The Sun."   

                                                          "Built by the Devil, to drive men crazy!" Or, so it went, during my  youth.

                                                           I recall the dilemma I faced that morning, a Saturday.  Channel 9 was showing  "Godzilla" (ie. "Gojira") on "Super Adventure Theater," and I had  yet to see it.  My  paents had to fight  with me, to get into the car.

                                                              But it was worth it.  If only I had lived up to the promise of the Catholicism I  was raised on.

                                                                Alas, I became myself--an intelligent raving queen,  and all  that entails.

                                                                  Heaven have mercy on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Trust me, you Exceeded the promises of Catholicism!!


  2. Victoria,
    Thanks so much. I needed to hear that!
