Saturday, March 20, 2021

Darlings, The Swallows Are Back At Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I  have been out of comission for several days--which I  will get to that in another post. Yesterday was the Feast Day Of Saint Jospeh, but it was also the day the swallows returned to Capitstrano, the surest sign of spring that I know.  Let us hope this season bring more of that,  in the face of the year we have endured.  So, the swallows, in a way, start the healing process!!!!!!!!!

                                                To honor the occasion, here is the now classic recording, by Pat Boone, of the song, "When The Swallows Come Back  To Capistrano."

                                                   And remember, girls, no swallows were featured in Hitchcock's  "The Birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"