Sunday, March 28, 2021

Girls, Next To Dr. Fauci, We Just LOVE Dr. David Chokshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I mean, isn't he just the cutest thing, darlings????????????  And he is with NYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to vist him right away, and so does Baby Gojira!  Could be the first doctor to get a  rise out of me during that dreaded rectal exam.

                                         Alas, I have no reason to visit him, but I am glad he is our city health commissioner, and his presence on TV gives hope. As well as something to look at.

                                          So, keep up the good work, Dr. Chokshi!

                                           And keep on looking GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yikes why does everyone look like a kid to me??
    I’m not THAT old, am I?


  2. Victoria,
    Isn't he just cute?

    I had your expereince when I first saw
    the revival of "A Chorus Line" on Broadway
    in 2006. I had seen the 1975 Original Cast,
    with my father. I was 19, and they all seemed
    so mature to me.

    Thirty one years later, when the curtain went
    up, I thought, "My God, tey're babies!"
