Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March Went Faster Than Expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        With February having  just whizzed by, I expected a slow, leisurely March.  But so much went on.

                                          Like our Saturday night  "Svengoolie" screenings, my getting the second  Covid shot,  David getting his first, St. Patrick's  Day and  Passover Dinners, books read, time with each other, and my animal  friends,  plus writing to all  my readers,  March was busier and quicker than I had expected.

                                            Now, we face April, which brings Easter, among other things.  But,  as T.S. Eliot remarked, it is  also the "cruelest month," as my family history will show,  in forthcoming posts  of  discussion.  Meanwhile,  hope  your March was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And  may April be even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!