Monday, March 15, 2021

"Naughty Stories," Porno Mags, Sex, Sexism--All In "The Mystery Of The Wax Museum????????????????????"

                                 Girls, this was Pre-Code, and I am telling you, if you were able to steal your eyes away from the art direction that brilliantly replicates German Expressionist cinema, you might have noticed sexism, buttock slapping, chauvanistic comments, and an ending that was pure corn.

                                  Yes, Lionel Atwill's performance had pathos, but Glenda Farrell, as Florence, the gum chewing fast talking reporter just about steals the movie, until she falls into the marriage trap!

                                      Which makes one wonder what will  become of her  roommate, Charlotte, played  by Fay Wray?  Are they roommates?   Lesbians?  And dig that art deco  bedroom,  and Farrell's blue pajamas.  And how  about Fay doing those leg exercises?  Just how does she support  herself?  A waitress?  A chorus girl....or  a lady of the evening?????????????

                                            For 1933, this film abounds with innuendoes.  

                                             Things aren't  better over  at the precinct, where the cops read porn mags--hence "Naughty Stories"--  off their  beat!  Who knew this movie had  so much to take in?

                                                This could not possibly have been done in today's PC era.   But what a lot of fun would have been missed.  Hell,  even the  1953 remake,  "House Of Wax" could not be made.

                                                   And, girls,  get  this--most of the wax figures were real  actors!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    What a bunch of  stiffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Not naming names, but I can think of a few actors who could be confused with wax figures!!


  2. Victoria,
    Absolutely, But what a challenging
    role--to play a wax figrure. If you
    look carefully, you can see the Queen
    Victoria blink her eyes!

  3. I know!!
    Such self-control!
    My sons learned that in the military; do not smile, twitch, itch, or react in any way!
    They call it “Bearing”.


  4. Victoria,
    Well, that is inteesting. I
    never would have thought one
    could learn acting technique
    in the military.

    I am sure Patty Duke had to
    do something of the same when
    performing "The Miracle Worker."
    Especially on stage
