Sunday, March 21, 2021

Proserpina Finally Comes Back From Hell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Winter always seems the longest season, girls, but Spring must come , even amidst the pandemonium of this pandemic.   

                                                  What remains is the age old "When?" argument.  When does Spring actually begin?  Many say yesterday, some say tomorrow.  I don't agree, which is why I am writing this post,

                                                   As I was taught, the seasons change on the 21st of their respective month.  So, for me, today is the First Day Of Spring.

                                                     I am so glad Proserpina is back.   But there is still a pandemic on, so she will have a rough time with wardrobe shopping and hair appointments.  And, Proserpina, if you can get an appointment, where Sally Hershberger comes to you,  please tell me how!

                                                       A girl can dream, can't I?

                                                      Happy Spring, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Need something hopeful.
    I have had a low grade headache for approximately One Year.
