Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Night The Shows Stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, can you believe that, one year yesterday, Broadway shut down?

                                  On Liza's 74th birthday,  yet!

                                   Something  is oddly macabre that Broadway shut down on Liza Minnelli's birthday.  Bad enough no shows since, but don't  blame Liza for this, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Worse, the end is nowhere in sight, as  far as I can see it.  I am so desperate to see something live, at this point, it would even be something  not on my radar,l like  "Come From  Away!"

                                          And that marquee on the Winter Garden, about "The Music Man?"  I would love to see it, but who knows when,  if  ever, it will  open?

                                            Yes, we have weathered a year.   But there is more to get through.

                                              The theater  has always been  called "The Fabulous Invalid."

                                                Who ever thought that  would  become real????????????????


  1. I saw a clip from Porgy And Bess on the news this morning.
    One of the actors had died of Covid💔


  2. Victoria,

    How sad? Was it the one
    with Aurdra McDonald? And
    do you know who the actor was?
