Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Welcome To Holy Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, my apologies. I meant to welcome you all to Holy Week, yesterday, but our entire Spectrum system--cable, Internet,  land line phone--were out from about 6PM to 11PM.  Alas.

                                              But that does not stop me from reminding you what is in store this week.

                                             Tomorrow is Spy Wednesday.  When Jesus was spied on, before being  betrayed by Judas.

                                               Thursday is  Holy Thursday,  or,  as it  is sometimes called, Maundy Thursday.   Just what does Maundy mean?  It means the ceremonial washing of the feet, and the distribution of the alms.  It is also the evening of the Last Supper, when Jesus said to the Apostles, "Everyone get behind the  table, for  the  picture."  Sometime during the night, Judas betrays Jesus, and, three times beforre  cockcrow, Peter denies knowing Jesus.  This day is BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Friday is Good Friday.  Even bigger.  This is when Jesus was crucified on the cross, uttering the words,  "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."  He dies at 3PM, and a storm comes up.  If you believe "The Greatest Story Ever Told," this was when the Centurion,  played by John Wayne, said, "Clearly, this man was the Son  of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   Holy Saturday--  Jesus is entombed, and rests.  Now, when I  was young, it was a tradition, on this evening, that, late at night, starting at 11;30 PM, Channel 2 would show "Easter Parade," and Channel 7 would air "The Song Of Bernadette!"  Guess which one I watched????????  The day is a  time for refelction and meditation.  Oh, and girls, this is the night ABC broadcasts Cecil B. De Mille's 1956 epic, "The Ten Commandments.," in its enitreity, between 7 and 11PM. If you have never seen it, you have GOT to,  especially when Anne Baxter saunters up to Charlton Heston, and mutters,  sultrily, "Oh, Moses, you wonderful...wonderful...wonderful...FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!"  They don't make them like they used to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                This year, the traditions have changed with age.  On Holy Saturday this year--I almost feel guilty--we are going to watch 1957's "The Undead," a classic by Roger Corman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Easter Sunday--  This is the day that, at dawn of  the First Day Of The Week, Mary Magdalene carried spices to the tomb, to annoint the body of  Jesus.  She found  the stone  unturned, the tomb empty, and an angel, explaining that the Resurrection had taken place!  Hosanna in the Highest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   On this day, in our house, it is time for the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette," which takes place between 1 and 4PM. Jennifer Jones, at her Oscar best...oh, my God!!!!!!!!  I am sobbing, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          So, that is the Holy Week  schedule.

                                                          A blessed season to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. This broken world sure needs some Holiness
    God IS in control, even though it may not seem like it sometimes.
    He gives us free will; why so many choose evil instead of good, that is a question for the ages.


  2. Victoria,
    You are right, we DO need some
    holiness. I think evil is somethiing
    one is chemically wired for. I know
    the saying is serial killers are made,
    not born, but others with rough, abusive
    uobringings do not become evil. I am
    grateful to be so relatively well
