Sunday, March 7, 2021

Who Would Have Thought These Two Would Be Connected???????????????????????

                                       Girls, how many times so many of us have seen the movie "Psycho," and heard The Beatles' classic, "Eleanor Righy?    

                                         Never, in all my years of both, would I have thought of putting them together!

                                           Recently, I read that when Paul McCartney was writing the song, he wanted the violin  arrangement  to be edgy and haunting.  Which,  as results show,  it  is.    But what he thought of to get him  there was Bernard Herrman's score to Hitchcock's "Psycho."

                                             And, yet, if listened to back to back, it makes perfect sense.

                                             As do the stories to a degree, as both are examinations of human loneliness.

                                             And there are plenty of Eleanors out there.  Remember my post on  Janice  Gonnella???????????????


                                    But don't just take my word!  Listen and see for yourselves, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ve always liked reading about “The Story Behind The Song”
    Or book or play or show or invention...


  2. Victoria,
    Same here. But I never thought
    of a connection between these two!
    Though the violin work in both
    is genuinely haunting!
