Saturday, April 24, 2021

As One Diva To Another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I could not let this week go by, girls, without mentioning Patti LuPone had a birthday this week.  She turned--who can believe it?--72, on April 21 of  this year, which, by the  way,  also marks the  44th anniversary of  the  original produciton of "ANNIE" opening at the Alvin Theatre.

                                           Patti and BARBRA the same week.  What house could the moon and  the  stars, have been in, I wonder?

                                           Nevertheless,  a Happy Birthday to Patti, still looking fabulous.

                                            Which song to feature.?  For me,  there can  be only one.

                                    Here is  Patti singing  "Meadowlark," from "The Baker's Wife."    Just listen to her when she gets to "Before my past....."Oh, my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. If I stay, I’ll grow to curse the dark...


  2. Victoria,
    Isn't that a great lyric?
    The song gives the entire story of
    the show!
    And I have heard others, but none
    top Patti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
