Sunday, April 18, 2021

Do I Feel Old Today, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hayley Mills Turns 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I feel like I grew up with Hayley Mills--I can remember wanting to be her--so,  for me, this photo will always epitomize her.  Beisides,  "Pollyanna" (1960) I remember was the first  movie I cried over, curled  in my mother's arms.

                                        Of course, the Catholic  part of  me will always have an affection for "The Trouble With Angels," but it never mattered to me what Hayley Mills was in, as long as she was  featured.

                                           To  think that she turns 75 today.  Which means  I will be 67,  come  November. That eight year gap  seems to narrow as I get older,  so I  feel  even closer  to  Hayley than  I did as a child.

                                              Happy Birthday,  Hayley Mills!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And have  a glorious 75th!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Meanwhile,  both of us will be glad we are still here!

                                          Stil looking good, Hayley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hello and may I please join you in wishing a very Happy Birthday to Hayley Mills today, April 18, 2021! Yes I agree with you so much, as you said "as long as she was in the film you were going to watch" you inevitably enjoyed it. She's always been such a marvelous actress, and a great person. She took the time back in 2008 when she was in a play in Overland, Kansas to write me back Thank-You cards and to to acknowledge my notes to her at the Overland Theater.
    Thank you too for even creating this blog posting! I'm very grateful to be able to acknowledge my admiration for her acting skills and kind personality. P.S. You're right too, in that she looks very nice in the recent picture of her you've posted here.

  2. Blogger Unknown said...
    Hello and may I please join you in wishing a very Happy Birthday to Hayley Mills today, April 18, 2021? Yes I agree with you so much, as you said "as long as she was in the film you were going to watch" you inevitably enjoyed it. She's always been such a marvelous actress, and a great person. She took the time back in 2008 when she was in a play in Overland, Kansas to write me back Thank-You cards and to to acknowledge my notes to her at the Overland Theater.
    Thank you too for even creating this blog posting! I'm very grateful to be able to acknowledge my admiration for her acting skills and kind personality. P.S. You're right too, in that she looks very nice in the recent picture of her you've posted here.


  3. Unknown,
    Thank you for acknowledging my post
    on Hayley Mills. I have seen her
    on stage twice, in NYC, and I am
    not surprised she wrote you a note.
    She strikes me as very gracious.
    And, yes, she still looks good.
    Because she will always be Hayley Mils.

  4. I was recently quite surprised to see her turn up in reruns of the "prequel" series to "Saved By The Bell", airing wknd mornings on MeTV. Had no idea the series was originally crafted as a star vehicle for Hayley, with the title "Good Morning Miss Bliss". Unfortunately for Mills, it tanked as there was no audience for a sitcom about a teacher. They retooled it a year later, dumped poor Hayley, added hunky Mario Lopez, and scored a hit about high school hijinx.

    Oddly enough, I stumbled across this gem just after catching Hayley's disastrous appearance on "The Love Boat" (in which she puts on the single most unbelievable, unbearable, incredibly pathetic attempt at an American accent by any Brit actor who ever lived- shockingly bad and hard on the ears).

  5. To Videolaman, during her over 60-year-career so far, Ms. Mills has won: The Academy Award in 1960, was a Golden Globe nominee twice and won in 1961, the BAFTA award for "Tiger Bay" in 1960, won the Berlin International also for "Tiger Bay" also the Laurel Award for Top Female New Personality, also the Monte Carlo Award. That's quite a list of awards for her excellent acting skills that she's been professionally using, often to thunderous applause for scores of years. By the way, how many awards have you won?

  6. No need to have a hissy fit, Unknown: it is perfectly fair to note when an otherwise-excellent performer makes a baffling error. I am a big fan of Ms. Mills work, as well as her talented father and sister. HOWEVER: I'm sure even Hayley regrets that "Love Boat" misfire. Her accent in it is so terrible it isn't even an accent: she sounds like she's drugged. Very disconcerting, and very unnecessary: the character could easily have been any nationality. The only explanation is the producers must have pulled the rug out from under her on set by suddenly insisting she try to play suburban American housewife: I'm sure if she had at least minimal prep time she would have been fine.

    Have a sense of proportion about these things, Unknown: criticizing an unfortunate isolated stumble on a forgettable TV show that nobody really remembers or cares about anymore is small beans. I didn't say something insane like she wasn't good in "The Chalk Garden" for pity's sake: with decent material and preparation Hayley is always top class. No actor gets a 100% perfect score their entire career: even Meryl Streep slipped on a couple of banana peels over the years, and Juliet Mills surely wants to erase "Beyond The Door" from her resume. "The Love Boat" was a graveyard gig actors did for a quick buck in the early 1980s: more than a few venerable stars lived to regret it.


  7. Unknown,
    No need for name calling here; that
    is MY department.

    We all love Hayley!

    I never knew about Hayley and "Saved By The Bell"
    I remember some episodes of "The Love Boat," but
    not the one with Hayley? And whose dumb idea was it
    for the American accent? This was not a high end show.
    Didn't they understand that when one hires Hayley Mills,
    you get Hayley Mills, so let her do what she does best...
    which is Hayley Mills. It still works after more than 60
    years. It is like casting BARBRA as Queen Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
