Saturday, April 3, 2021

Farewell To Beloved Children's Author Joan Walsh Anglund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 One of the earliest books I ever took out by myself, at the Highland Park  Public Library, was by her.  It was called "Love Is A Special Way Of Feeling."

                                                   During my childhood, someone gave me a copy of the book shown above,  "Christmas Is A Time Of Giving."  It was one of my favorites of  that period, especially the pages shown below.


                                                     Observe it carefully.   It taught me compassion for the elderly, like  my grandparents, and aunts and uncles,  as they aged.  How I wish they were still here now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Now, let us skip some years.  Decades, in fact!  Some days, I  feel  like I have reached the point of the old woman in the chair.  In any case, Christmas HAS  become for me a time of remembering.  And I  owe  this  to  Joan Walsh Anglund.

                                                         She passed away on March 9, 2021, at her home in Connecticut.  Litchfield  County, to be exact.  She was 95 years old.  The cause was a heart ailment.  Even so,  she lived a long and fulfilling life,  being also an artist and a poet.

                                                          But it was the above  photo and text I will remember her for.  She preparerd me both for childhood, and age.

                                                          Rest in peace, Joan Walsh Anglund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Wow your memory is sharp!!
    I wish I could recall my earliest childhood books.


  2. Victoria,

    Everyone has said that, from the
    time I first talked. I am so
    grateful for that.

    I would love to know your
    favortie childhood books!
