Thursday, April 15, 2021

Girls, For A Barrel Of Laughs, Join Us Saturday Night, As Svengoolie Presents "The Crawling Eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Back when I was a child, in the early to mid-Sixties, Channel 9, in New York, on  Saturday nights, ran something called "Supernatural Theatre," from 8:30 to 10PM.  One evening, my grandmother, who lived with us, and was taking care of  me, when my parents went out, let me stay up that night to watch  "The Crawling  Eye!!!!!!!!!"  Darlings, we laughed our heads off.

                                          Even though I probably have seen it within the last twenty years, that first viewing remains most memorable.

                                            It takes place in a fictional Swiss town called  Trollenberg.  The film's original title  was "The Trollenberg Terror," but I  think "The Crawling Eye" is  more  catchy!

                                             The film features a pre-"F-Troop" Forrest Tucker, (how the hell did he get involved in this?) and wait till you see Jennifer Jayne and Janet Munro, as the Pilgrim Sisters, Sarah and  Anne, and their amazing mind reading act.   Right!  Anne, of course, catches  on to  what is  going on.

                                                And  when the  title  character makes its  entrance--WOW!  I wish  I could  have this set prop in my living  room!  What a conversation piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Yes, the eye really crawls, darlings!  And there is more, which I am not  telling.

                                                     Now  older,  it will  make  me  think--

                                                      What if  it  gets cataracts? Glaucoma?  Or even pink eye?

                                                        Find out with us, this Saturday!



                                      See you this Saturday, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!  Toodles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your grandmother lived with you?
    I don’t remember you sharing that before!!
    How did it go??


  2. Victoria,
    As a child, my maternal grandmother
    was both a caretaker anc companion,
    who read to me, and played games
    with me.

    But as puberty set in, while I stil
    loved her, i enjoyed playing harlmess
    tricks on her.

    Living with us came to a halt in the
    Spring of 1971, when she had a stroke,
    which left her with speech, but paralayzed
    on the left side. She was in a nursing home
    for seven years, and we visited her regularly.

    She died, at age 89, in 1978. Less than a year
    later, on April 2, 1979, my mother passed.

    It was a horrible time. I still miss them both.
