Thursday, April 1, 2021

Now, I Know Saturday Is Holy Saturday, And ABC Is Broadcasting "The Ten Commandments" (1956) From 7 to 11PM, But Why Not Join Us, If You've Had Enough, For Svengoolie's Screening Of "The Undead??????????????"

                                      As I said in an earlier post, I almost feel guilty about this.

                                     But, I have seen my share of "The Ten Commandments"--multiple viewings--and, on Easter Sunday, I will watch my annual viewing of  "The Song Of Bernadette,"  so I think I can get away with this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "The Undead," from  1957, was directed by Roger Corman, which means Camp, and  classic!  Just a  year after his 1956 achievement,  "It Conquered The World," featuring his greatest creation,  Cucumbo, who deserved to have had a major movie career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Now, all I know about this film is that Pamela Duncan plays a prostitute--yes!!!!!!!!!--who goes to see a hypnotherapist!  Can you believe this?   Is she scrounging for more clients, or does she want to become respectable????????????

                                               Whatever, she is transported back into the medieval past, where she finds  herself a woman condemned as a  witch!  Much more problematic than prostitution!!!!!!!!!!!!  To make  things worse,  Allison Hayes,  the "Femme Fatale Of Fifties Fright Films," is on hand, as  another witch named Malivia, and with Allison' just know she will be the most evil one  of  all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Baby Gojira, and our Kerwin, are so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     So join us, for this special Holy Saturday showing of "The  Undead."

                                                      VERY different from "Easter Parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                       Be there, or  be square, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So glad you reminded us to watch this gem: I think its the only Roger Corman classic I'd never seen before!

    I'd forgotten how incredibly clever Corman could be about shoehorning literary and other high culture references into his drive-in fodder: the flick is worth it just for the gravedigger's endless monologues. And the undead dancing chorus of witches you comment on in a later post: how much fun was THAT???

    Really sorry I didn't record this for my Corman collection: I loved it more than I expected, and it isn't available in any form on home video (aside from a garbage copy at The Internet Archive website).


  2. Darling,
    I was surprised you had never
    seen this. I mean, Allison Hayes
    alone is enough? Weren't she and your
    mother rivals? Was your mother seen
    for this?

    Who knows? The dancing witches may
    have inspried "She Demons," made the
    following year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
