Thursday, April 8, 2021

Saturday Is Coming! Be Sure And Join Us, As Svengoolie Presents "The Incredible Shrinking Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                  Yes, girls, it is almost time for what has become the highlight of our week.

                                                   This started out as a 1956 novel, by veteran Richard Matheson.  At the time of publication, it was called "The Shrinking Man."

                                                     As the poster says, "Not Suitable For Children."  Just like "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?," right???????????  Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      I have never read the novel or seen the film,  but I am familiar with the story.  What I am curious about is what causes him to start shrinking, and  whether he is saved,  or vanishes altogether.

                                                       I am sure Svengoolie and Kerwin will interject their own brand of camp into the proceedings, but even many of us have never seen the film, some, such as I,  have seen clips or photographs of him menaced by the gigantic black cat, which is no kitty now,  but a monster.  And, of course my favorite--the Black Widow spider who comes creeping across the floor, toward him,  and................

                                                          Hey, what about wardrobe?  Washiing, and going to the bathroom? How about sex?????????????????????

                                                           Tune in with us, and find out,  girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Will this Ken find his Barbie???????????????????



  1. It will be better than last week’s werewolf, I think.


  2. Victoria,

    I have no doubt. Almost anything would!
