Friday, April 30, 2021

This Is Kind Of An Ambivalent Day To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I know it is the end of April, and I will address that, but since 2017, and then 2018, this has been an ambivalent day, as far as I am concerned.

                                           First, and  foremost, it is  the  birhtday of my father.  He would have been 106 today, and while  I had  hopes  he  would make  it to 105, he clocked out, in  2018, at 102.  Of  his family, only his mother and he crossed the three digit threshold.  Pictured above is St. Josesph's Church, in Downingtown, PA, not  far from my sister,  and  right  near my nephew,  his wife,  and family.  It  is  where, in May of  2018, we had the funeral mass  for  my father. It was a sad day, but everything  went right.

                                               Still, the loss is  remembered  on  this day.

                                                Add  to that is  another  loss; on this date, in 2017, my childhood friend,  Doug, (we knew each other since kindergarten!!!!!!!!!)  died.  How I wished it had been another day. Alas...................

                                                   So, it  is a hard day for me.  Come  to  think  of  it,  so  is the month  of April.  My mother died on  April  2, 1979, her mother on April  22, 1978, and my sister's husband died on April 5, 2008.  So, for  our  family, T.S. Eliot was right, "April  is  the cruelest  month...."
