Monday, May 31, 2021

Five Months Of The Year Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe It????????????????????????

                                      It seems like yesterday, I was ushering in the month,with  Julie Andrews singing  "The Lusty Month Of May" from  "Camelot."   And here we are at the end.

                                        May was good to all of us.  It was the month of Mary, so how could it not  be?   I had my half birthday this month.  I saw  "Promising Young Woman."  I read a  ton of books. And,  of course,  I spent time with  my beloved,  David.

                                            So , on we move to June, which should bring  Summer, fun and comedy, plus more Svengoolie  screenings.  But anxiety hangs over me because of something that is  looming  over me  this coming month--

                                      Oh, girls,  help me!  Save me!   I know I MUST do it, but I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       See you in June, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Another bride, another June
    Another sunny honeymoon!!


  2. Victoria,
    Another June song lyric!
    Thanks so much for cheering me up.
