Sunday, May 2, 2021

"It Ain't Over, Till It's Over!"

                                      Yesterday morning--May 1, 2021, Olympia Dukakis came to that point.  She was 89.  On June 20, she  would have  turned 90.  What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I  will always love her for that line, and so many others, in 1987's "Moonstruck," for which she and her "daughter," Cher, won Oscars, and, now with  her passing, most  of  its cast is  now dead.

                                       But she was no slouch.   She did stage and television, too; how I wish I had seen her on the stage.  She must have been dynamite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Her passing leaves a wound in the fabric of the acting community, but as long as we screen her as Rose, she will  always be remembered.

                                            When her cousin, Michael, ran for President, I voted for him.  One determining  factor was he was quoted  in  an  article as saying his favorite movie  was "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                                See?   It all  comes back to Bernadette and Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Rest  In Peace,  Miss Dukakis.  May Bernadette and Jennifer  be on hand  to greet you!


  1. Her movies are enjoying a revival at the moment!

  2. Victoria,

    Is that right? I hope I can
    catch a screening of "Moonstruck!"

  3. The film, 'Over the Hill', is one I return to several times a month, even as it is painful to watch Ms. Dukakis' character, utterly deflate, temporarily, but I fault the director with the lack of subtlety, a trait for which Dukakis excelled, at that moment.


  4. 100% Pure,

    I am not familiar with that film.
    I must give it a look. She was
    a great actress.

    Thanks for sharing!
