Sunday, May 16, 2021

This Is Disgraceful And Outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    From 1994, till about 2010, I was a social doyenne at NYC's LGBQT Center.  Darlings,  you simply have no idea.  One group that was exclusive, but everyone wanted  to get into,  was GOAL--the  Gay Officer's Action League.  For those nursing hot cop fantasies, this was Nirvana.  Trouble is, whenever there was  a GOAL meeting, the line of  people, not members, yearning to get in, was down the stairs, and out the  door.  So, it only was limited to members.

                                       Nevertheless, the presence of non-members spoke not only of  their respective fantasies, but a sense of pride and support toward these brave gentlemen working in a rough environment, and daring to be out and proud.  I, for one, still salute you all.

                                         Now, I don't know who all the Pride Organizers for 2021 are,  but let me adress you--

                                            You are all a bunch of fucking bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             One of these fucking bitches I will name outright--Dan Dimant, spokesperson of the organization Heritage Of Pride.  As he views it, "There's always been aggression by law enforcement, and it's been an issue for years."

                                                  Oh, really?????????  Danny boy,  has it occured to you and your moronic crowd that the NYPD has kept what could turn into a free for all, were their no police presence there, from taking  place?????????? Even if  there were no pandemic, I would not go this year.  And while I would hate to see mass hostility break out, it would serve you right for taking this stance.

                                                     What's more, those with this view, want to maintain this, until  the year 2025, when it  will be reviewed.  Oh, give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get off your high horses, all  you India Wilkeses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         I am much more  in line with Brian Downey,the President of GOAL, who says,  " 'Heritage Of Pride' is  well  aware that the city would not allow a large scale event to occur without police presence.  So their response to activist pressure is to take the low road by preventing these fellow community members from  celebrating their identities and honoring the shared legacy of the Stonewall riots."

                                                         Brian,  I am with you.  These folk are cutting off their noses to spite their face.  They will create a divide in the gay community that should not be there, especially on Pride Day, and, down the years, it could have dangerous reprecussions.  Proud Boys, White Supremacists, homophobes, and such, may well be lurking, and who but the police are able to dispel such potential incidents???????????  Which will happen, eventually if the NYPD is alienated.

                                                           Brian and Dan (especially Dan) should heed the immortal words of the late Joan Crawford--

                                          "Don't  fuck with me,  fellas!  This ain't my first  time at the rodeo!!!!!!!!!!"