Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Wishing A Happy Birthday To Mary Elizabeth McDonough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Who, of course, darlings, will always be known to those of us of a certain age as Erin Walton.  Hard to  believe she is  60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All I can say is, welcome to the sixties, Mary Elizabeth; I have been there for six years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I  have to thank her again for responding to  a post  I wrote years  back, on an episode called "The First Casualty," where  Erin's boy friend,  G.W. Haines, played by David Doremus,  was killed in basic training, and the scene where she reads his beneficiary statement to  her, on  the land  she now owns, dissolving in Ralph Waite's  arms...and,  oh, God, I am tearing up again. When I saw  this for the first time in decades, it  took me fifteen minutes to calm myself.

                                          But no tears, today, Mary Elizabeth!   Have whatever you wish; my preference, were I not  diabetic, would be a Frozen Margarita; so have one,  or whatever you prefer, for me.

                                            Happy Birthday!  And thanks again, for  your class and  graciousness!!!!!!!!!