Thursday, June 10, 2021

Big Theatrical News, Girls--And It Is All About Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I cannot tell you how exciting it is, after a year and a quarter, to post any theatrical news on  here.  And it is big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Beginning October 5 of this year, and continuing until January 2 of 2022, Celia Keenan-Bolger,  will return to her TONY Award-Winning performance as Scout Finch in Aaron Sorkin's  Broadway adaptation of "To Kill A Mockingbird."  So will Jeff  Daniels, but, like,  who cares?????????  It is  Celia you MUST see.

                                                 For those not  lucky enough--such as I--to see Celia in the opening run, I strongly urge you to seek  her out,  where you will  be rewarded by a performance of such theatrical magic, I can only compare  it to  generations lucky enough to have seen Patty Duke on stage in "The Miracle  Worker."

                                                   Not that Celia was any slouch as Laura, in "The Glass Menagerie," back in 2013.  She should have netted a TONY for that performanace, which still chokes me up, when I  think  about  it.

                                                       What better way to welcome  Broadway's return than with Celia  Keenan-Bolger???????????   For those who haven't seen her, go and  find out what real acting is  all about.

                                                           Welcome back to Broadway,  Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                               


  1. I was wondering what she would do next!


  2. Victoria,
    I am SO tempted to go see
    this again. I thought the next
    thing she might have done, now
    having cornered the child-woman
    persona, was Frankie in "The Member
    Of The Wedding."
