Friday, June 18, 2021

Do You Know What This Is, Darlings??????????????????????????????

                                        Note I said "what," and  not "who."  I would expect every reader on here to know who that is--Marilyn Monroe.  But what is she wearing? And where was this  taken?

                                         Let me tell you, I only discovered this shot yesterday, even though it must have been taken in the Fifties.  Are  you ready, girls?  Here, goes.

                                         Marilyn is seated on the  20th Century-Fox lot, on what was the village set of  Lourdes, in "The Song Of  Bernadette!"  Even more remarkable,  she is wearing the costume Jennifer Jones wore in the role that won her an  Oscar!

                                           Whose idea this  was  to  do this,  I have  no  idea.  It certainly shows a different, darker side, to Monroe.   As for the  costume, I  cannot  be certain it was the exact one worn  by Jones, or  a  knock-off. Let's face  it, Monroe was more buxom  than Jones, so, if this was her actual costume, both parts would have had to been let out.

                                              But, leave it to me, dolls, to latch on to  a new factual facet for one of  my favorite  films.  As for Monroe, I  don't  think she  would ever have been quite right for  Bernadette, but those looking at this for the first time, will  be  seeing a different  side  of  her.

                                                 Wonder if Jennifer Jones knew about this, and how she felt?


  1. Fascinating!
    I think she looks lovely!!

  2. Victoria,

    The photographer was Milton H. Green,
    famous for his shootings with Monroe.
    How he came up with this is sheer
    genius. And, yes, she does look lovely!
