Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Happy Birthday To The Divine MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Yes, darlings, it is Meryl Streep's birthday.  She is 73 this year, and nothing is  going to  stop her.  After all, she is a force of  nature we have admired for decades,  and will  in decades  to  come.

                                           Have a great time on your birthday, Meryl.  You have earned  it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And  how  do you look  so well, at  your age????????????????????

                                           I  can  only  hope, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She is the Real Deal!!
    Do you have a favorite role of hers??


  2. Victoria,

    "Sophie's Choice" is her greatest role.
    And I like how she made "The Devil Wears
    Prada" her own!
