Tuesday, June 1, 2021

It Was Fifty Four Years Ago, Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        That is right, darlings,  on this date, back in 1967, what is still the greatest  pop album of all time  was released.

                                          Who could forget  it?  Which is why I reserve time each June 1 to play it,  and post it on this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Anyone on the cover still alive, beside  Paul and Ringo???????????????

                                             "Look  for the girl with the sun in her eyes,  and  you're gone!"

                                   Here, darlings is the full album!  Enjoy!


  1. I read that John Lennon was kind of Not Nice?
    May he Rest In Peace, anyway.


  2. Victoria,

    Yes, I have read that too.
    Unfortunately geniuses do not have
    a premium on graciousness!
