Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Once We Can All Eat Indoors Comfortably, I Have GOT To Dine At "BALTHAZAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     The one thing I  miss about our city, as a result of Covid, is being seen.  I mean,  for 37 years,  I was on the scene, darlings, and once I began writing this blog, people knew  it.  The theater,  opera, ballet, concerts , museums, restaurants--I covered them all, becoming something of a fixture about town.  Now, like Baby Jane, I live on those memories.

                                        But things are slowly returning, and if they continue to,  there may be  a  time when David  and  myself are comfortable, eating inside.  And when  that  happens, one place I have GOT to dine  at is "BALTHAZAR," down on  Spring Street.  I mean, this  is a place where I have GOT  to be seen!!!!!!!!!!! You know  who has been  seen  there?  ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right!    So,  I  cannot  miss my chance!

                                          I have been seen at  The Pierre, La Grenouille, and Cipriani's in pre-Covid times.  How I long to return to those days again.

                                             But I am  sticking  with Dr. Fauci, and Dr. David Chokshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Maybe they call all  join us,  when the time comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m cautiously waiting a little longer as well.
    Those of us of a Certain Age don’t have forever though!!!

  2. Victoria,

    How right you are! But,
    as David says, we have waited
    this long, we can wait a little
    longer. All this for nothing is
    not an option!
