Thursday, June 17, 2021

Separated At Birth--Mike Lindell, And Adolf Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Girls, I am telling you, the resemblance is uncanny.

                                      Though I have always hated his faux cheeriness on his My Pillow commercials, after seeing him emerge, last year,  from a secret door entrance, housing our former President, I knew he was no good!  Hell, I knew it, before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But I have never seen him display the anger I know lurks beneath, and when  I did, as seen above, I could not help noticing the resemblance to Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I mean, if some filmmaker wants to make a film within a film, about how  Leni Riefenstahl made her 1935 film, "Triumph Of The Will," he would be a great choice to play Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But who would play Reni??????????????????????????

                                           Truly, Lindell is disgusting, and ever two gents deserved each other, it is  Lindell and Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              He even seems to  be going,  "Heil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Oh yeah, he is a creep and a nut job!


  2. Victoria,

    I always thought him what you said,
    but when I saw a shot of him enraged--
    which I think is his real persona--I
    instantly thought of Hitler!

  3. Definitely. trump, hitler, that Russian guy, that Korean guy, so many Evildoers.
    But they will not win in the end!!
    I meant to tell you, I’m in Alabama this week, visiting some of my grandchildren!
    Alabama. Talk about some nutcases.


  4. Victoria,
    "You're Alabammy bound!
    Won't be no heebie-jeebies hangin' 'round!

    How on earth does one stand the heat there?
