Friday, July 9, 2021

"All Things Bright And Beautiful," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Before I reveal what this is,  let me say it  was constructed entirely of LEGOS.  I was not of the LEGO generation; I had Lincoln Logs,  which were wood, and all  one could build were log cabins,  or  a  fort.  Sort of like "F-Troop."  Then  Kenner Toy Company made  something called  "Girder and Panel Building Sets," which I used to love,  though the  panels gave every building a sort of Japanese tinge to them.

                                    LEGOS did not exist in my day, but there were some kind of plastic pegged and holed pieces, usually colored red and white, that could be put together to build more imaginatively, especially if one  owned multiple sets.   I cannot recall  their name.  Anyone who can, let me  know.

                                     The structure seen is ingenious, and was built, with LEGOS, by a young man well beyond the building toy years. His name is Henry Lee, and he is a student at Michigan University's Musical Theatre Program.  What he has built, in case you were not able to figure out, is a replica of the set model by Boris  Aronson, for the original, 1971, production of "FOLLIES," but entirely out of LEGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Henry, hon, I am telling you, you are on to something.  Patent this, manufacture these, because Theater Queens all over will  want one so that, using Disneykins, or small figures of any kind,  they can stage their individual productions of "FOLLIES."

                                          You know, I am just SO anxious to  do  this!  Some may use the cast recording, which would be fun.  But,  as I can sing the entire score,  I  will do it myself.

                                            What's next?  "Sweeney Todd?"  'Merrily?'

                                             Keep  it up,  Henry!  You have forged  yourself an empire!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. “Kiddicraft self-locking building brick”
    “Automatic binding brick”
    From Lego homepage

  2. Victoria,

    Thanks so much.
    Maybe I was a LEGOS kid!
