Thursday, July 8, 2021

Here Comes Question #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 A reader has asked me, "What "celebrities," other than Gwyneth and Mariska, do you find insufferable????????????"

                                   Ok, Everyone, here goes--

                                   Let's start with Adam Sandler. There is nothing the least bit funny about his repetitive vulgarity.  Though he does try to stretch himself,  for which I give him credit,  his outright homophobia is enough to fill me with disdain.

                                    Lin-Manuel Miranda--I guarantee you that, in ten years, he will be forgotten.  He may have caught the pulse of the  time,  with "Hamilton," but he did not catch MY pulse, hons.  His need for recognition is insatiable.  And what is more, he is a great, big closet case and hypocrite.  When his fame flees, I will be glad.

                                     James Corden--Almost the same thing.  Closet case, definitely.  Tries not to be, but overdoes everything, even when attempting musical theater.  Forget his late night show; I am not up, and he is not one for whom I would stay up.

                                      Kate Hudson--Still known for just one movie, "Almost Famous."  How  long is she going to live off of that?  Has tried fashion, but failed abysmally.  If her mother were not Goldie Hawn, she would not even  be heard from,  anymore!

                                       Paula Zahn--Oh, my God!  She has absolutely no sense of  style or fashion, and  can't she even comb her hair!  That wild look she has  is  far  too  "mature" for--and I am  being kind--though her wardrobe  is  not  entirely her fault,  as she is clearly dressed and styled by straight men!  And then there  is her lack of  journalistic professionalism--you can tell she is  just  shilling for change, with not a bit of  interest in  the case, at hand.  And that wretched, earnest, school girl delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Hang  it up, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Julie Taymor and Diane Paulus-- Both currently consigned to the Island Of Lost Directors.  Taymor  bit more than she could chew with "Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark," which should have been kept dark.  That Paulus got "HAIR" right--especially casting Allison Case as the best Crissy since Shelley Plimpton, was  something  of a  minor miracle.  I pray that her all female version  of  "1776" never reaches town.  If it does, then  I should be allowed to play Mama Rose!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          David Birney--Ex-husband of  Meredith Baxter Birney,  who came  out as a lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!  See what living with him does?  Seriously,  girls, I have dealt with  him,  and the arrogance just  drips off him, like Giuliani's hair dye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              How's that, hons??????????????????????????????????



  1. PERFECT!!! I needed a laugh today, and You did NOT disappoint!
    Unlike every one of those celebrities.
    I might add a few of my own to the list!


  2. Victoria,
    I would love to see your list.
    Mine just came off the top of my

  3. Hmm off the top of my head, I guess Rachel Ray, Joe Bastianich, the Cuomos, Megan Rapinoe, Zach Braff, that nasty author who is so full of himself, that tattoo guy, and that home renovation lady.


  4. Victoria,
    Definitely Rachel Ray! But which nasty
    author are you referring to. Josh Ferris?

  5. lol probably him too
    But I was thinking of Bret Easton Ellis
