Thursday, July 1, 2021

Hey, ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Not Put Gojira On The Cover Of New York's "VOGUE?????????????????"

                                              While "VOGUE" may be published, in some form, all over the world--this issue looks to be from Poland--anyone knows the only REAL one that counts is issued from New York  City, and helmed by ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Now,  ANNA, I know you love fresh, new ideas.  You have had all kinds of  celebrities grace the cover of  your magazine, so how about giving Gojira a chance?  He may not be right for the September issue, but maybe, a later, Fall month?????????????????????????????

                                                       So many of  us out here love our big, affectionate, humanitarian  reptile friend, and  think his time  has  come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Think about it,  ANNA!  We can talk, in your office, at a meeting,  with Baby Gojira, whom I will bring along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          The cover you design, ANNA, will  sell copies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She might actually do that!!
    I will pray for your upcoming procedure if you like.
    Comfort, Peace, good results,
    No gnashing of teeth or rending of garments
    Or writhing on cold slabs
    Seriously though, I Will Pray


  2. Victoria,
    I would be thrilled if ANNA took the suggestion.
    And thank you for the prayers. No posting tonight;
    just got in from dining out, but I will post this
    weekend. Maybe another Nancy Kelly shot!
