Saturday, July 17, 2021

"I Can't, Monica, I Can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Darlings, I know just how Nancy Kelly feels.

                                         This is the weekend of my colonoscopy, which takes places this coming Wednesday, and I just can't face it.  

                                           But  I know, in the end, I will.  It is the right thing to do for all my loved ones.

                                           Now, I wanted to bring this shot from "The Bad Seed" in  all its black and  white glory.  I found one last week, but it has mysteriously vanished, so my apologies for this color shot. But,  next  to her banging  her hand on the table this Nancy's hysteria at its heightened.

                                               Christine has just slammed the dish towel into the wall rack, decrying how hot it is that day--when we know it is more than the heat that bothers her.  Monica comes in, with some vitamins and sleeping pills to help Christine, and asks what is bothering, and, heartbreakingly, Christine dissolves and breaks down in Monica's arms, saying she can't tell her.

                                                   Whereupon I ask myself--would I rather deal with a colonoscopy, or a psychotic child.

                                                        The procedure has a shorter life span.   The night before, and the day of.

                                                           Remember, psychopaths are born.  Sociopaths are made.  Rhoda was a psychopath, and on her way to being a top flight serial killer.  I would like to think that I would recognize a child, if I encountered one.  But would I????????????????   Could I be as astute as Miss Fern, that repressed lesbian spinster??????????????????????????

                                                            Of course, the real mystery of "The Bad Seed" is how Patty McCormack, at age eight (Broadway) and ten (Film) was able to nail Rhoda's psychosis better than any actress since?  No one comes close.  I can only wonder if a child Meryl Streep could have done  it.

                                                              Just to warn you, I will be out of commission this coming Tuesday and Wednesday.


                                                                "My God, my God..........what are we going to do??????????"


  1. It’s the Dread; you just want to Get it Over With

  2. My cousin was just diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. Colonoscopies are a necessary evil. Enjoy your jello


  3. MartyO49,
    Thanks for the warning and encouragement.
    Now I worry about the results tomorrow.
