Friday, July 23, 2021

I Survived My Colonoscopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And with this post, dear readers, for the next five years, I close my chapter of "The Colonoscopy Chronicles."  I know some of you would rather have been reading "The Martian Chronicles," by Ray Bradbury, which I never read.  Besides, my favorite work  of his is "Something Wicked This Way Comes."  And, by the way, can anyone get me a hand on a copy of his book, "Dandelion Wine?"  There are some thing in it I discovered I missed, and I  would like to  re-examine that  work.

                                           As to the colonoscopy, well, the  prep is as horrid as you may have heard.  I had to  clutch the sink several times to insure it going down, or  that I would not  gag.  As for the day of,  t took longer to get me ready for  the procedure, than  to actually have it.  One reason was my nerves; my rhythms were so high they had to EKG me, to make sure I was OK.  After that they wheeled me  in, put me under, the room spun, and then  I was back in the recovery room.

                                            The good news is nothing was found.  So, I have another five years to go.  My God, I  will be 71, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just think!!!!!!!!!!!!   I can barely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As I said to one of my friends last night who called, at the stage  of  life  I am now at, a perfect colonoscopy is better than getting an "A" on a test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Anyone's guess to how I will chronicle the next one?

                                                 We have five years to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Colonoscopy Chronicles indeed!
    Reality tv lol
    OR scary movie!!


  2. Victoria,
    Definitely scary movie.
    No reality TV, as I would never
    let myself be shown in that way,
    like Katie Couric!

  3. MartyO49,
    Thanks so much. It took
    a load of worry off me!
