Saturday, July 24, 2021

Poor Barney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Isn't Barney cute, girls?  He is the bull who escaped from  a Suffolk County slaughter house, and has been roaming about Long Island, since Tuesday.  He has been sighted, but not found!  Bet he wishes he was in Manhattan!  This is one smart bull, not only for escaping, but because I believe this deed  was due to his having read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle."

                                    Those searching for Barney came up with a brilliant idea, which I think proved wrong.  They got a sexy female cow, to try and entice Barney, but he did not take the bait.

                                      Which tells me two  things.  Either the femme cow was  a lesbian, or,  as I strongly suspect, Barney is a gay bull, and this could be his way of  coming out. If  the searchers got  hold of a hot, hunky, and horny bull, I bet Barney would come  running.

                                         Poor Barney just needs a friend; one  he  can  cotton  up  to.

                                         Just listen  to  Carole King!  She knows what Barney needs!

                                        And to those out there looking, please do not hurt Barney!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        LGBTQ bulls have rights, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






  1. Victoria,
    Barney still has not been found.
    My guess? He hopped a ferry over
    to Fire Island, where he is the
    most popular one there! Al the boys
    want to dance with him!
