Friday, July 9, 2021

Two Questions For Dan Levy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I don't know if Dan Levy reads this blog, but let me tell you, girls, he should, as it would certainly keep him informed.

                                            The other day, while watching Joe Sabia grill Dan on his "73 Questions," I thought of two I would ask,  myself.

                                              The first I direct to the girls--namely, gay guys, on here.  How can someone as bright, talented, personable, and,  yes, cute, as Dan,  still be single?  On one hand, girls, he is on the market, so snap him up!!!!!!!!!!   On the other hand, why hasn't anyone done this, already???????????

                                                Could this have something to do with trips to Japan?  Maybe he is a Rice Queen!  Nothing wrong with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Actually, I think the answer lies more  with Redmond, his adorable dog.  Anyone interested in Dan has to pass  inspection by  Redmond.  And I am  sure his standards are high! He keeps Dan from perdition's path!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   The other question--something I relate to--is books.  For sure, a book is  an essential in my bag, whenever I am on the go, but really, Dan, Joan Didion???????????  JOAN DIDION????????????????????????????   Oh, come on, now!  Sure, the woman can write;  I have read several of her books, too.  But inspiring and uplifting?   Come on,  Joanie is one  big DOWNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I mean, if you are going to go with her,  then resort to the Depressive's Self-Medication Kit--Didion, Sylvia Plath, and Virginia Woolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        There are better things out there,  Dan.  Like this blog,  for instance,  or "Valley Of The Dolls," which are pretty much the same, when I think of it, and do make others and myself laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         I  think you would  enjoy "The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier And  Clay," by Michael Chabon.  I have read it three times--Jewish NYC history, a comic strip empire,  superheroes, stories within stories.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          So, those are some questions Dan should have been asked.

                                                           And, now, he has, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Neat to see him working with his dad!!


  2. Victoria,
    His dad is brilliant. But it is
    nice to see a celebrity and child
    interact and work so well together,
    without any bitch drama!
