Sunday, August 8, 2021

Anti-Vaxxers Are A Danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Anti- Bathers Pose Other Kinds Of Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Girls, what is going on, with all these celebs admitting to not bathing regularly?  Even Jake Gyllenhaal--JAKE GYLLENHAAL!!!!!!!!!!!--who is  one of our more attractive specimens  out there admits to this! It makes me  rethink him fast!

                                      Let me tell you something.  When I was on the market, during my spinster years, hygiene was a deal breaker for me.  If it was apparent to me someone did not take care of themselves properly, that was it.  The problem was there were,  and still are, people who go around looking as though they never take a bath!  They could, actually, be the most hygienic out there, but the appearance is so off-putting it would deter me  from any interest.

                                        Then there  is  someone  like  Gyllenhaal,  who may look attractive  but.......I know Jake keeps his private life private, which is fine, but, with this revelation, maybe the underlying factor is he does not have one, because, well, who wants  to get near him?  How about doing a  stage show with him, having to get  up close and personal every night,  live, or share a dressing room with  him?   I certainly would not want  to work  with this  type.

                                           Please  note I am  not  picking  on Gyllenhaal, personally.  It  is just that he is the most renowned  of these non-bathers, and, frankly,  I would  not have expected this of him.

                                             Alas,  and we don't know who else is out there!

                                            So, darlings, if you have a beauty routine, and I am sure most of you do, and it  includes bathing, stick to it!   You want to get somewhere, don't you?  And Jake has not been doing  much, lately.  Now, we know it is not just because  of  Covid.

                                              Stick with Blake Lively, girls!  She knows  what  to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. It perplexes me too.
    So many in this world do not have access to clean water.
    But to Choose to skip a shower?
    I don’t know, celebrities are just Weird sometimes

    The vaccine too; to have the luxury of deciding whether or not you feel like it!!


  2. Victoria,
    What can I say? I would have expected
    this from Gwyneth Patrow, but Jake
    Gyllenhaal? Very talented, but not sure
    I would want to work with him!
