Friday, August 20, 2021

Can You Believe This, Darlings???????????????????

                                 Church statue desecrations and thefts are nothing new.  But over in Flushing, at St. Michael's Catholic  Church, someone went too far, if  you ask me.

                                  And go ahead and ask, because most of  you on here know how devoted I am to not only the film "The Song Of  Beernadette," but the saint herself.  I pray to her often, and wear a medal of  her around my neck, which was purchased in New Orleans.  That's right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   In the wee hours of this past Tuesday morning, at 3:30AM, some sicko--and I am certain it was a man, knocked over the church's statue of Saint Bernadette, and  broke off her arm!

                                    This  is  an outrage!  To do this to one of the most revered saints.  I hope Jacinta Marto flings lightning bolts, at this guy.    He should be tied to a chair, and forced to watch "The Song Of Bernadette," until he repents.

                                      But, then, I suppose Sister Camille, and yes, Bernadette herself, would wish compassion on this troubled soul.  So, I do recognize that.

                                       However, the very deed makes my boil.

                                      You can bet Jennifer Jones is  pissed,  too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Well, I’M no saint, so I’d be happy to avenge this crime/sin!!


  2. Victoria,
    Go right ahead! I won't stop you!
