Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Here Is My Friend, Nicholas, In His New Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Doesn't he look sweet, girls!? I am  so happy for  him.

                                         Unfortunately, I have not  yet been able to vist  Nicholas.  This pic  came  from  his owner's  Facebook page, and  it warmed my heart  to  see even this,  I had  to  share it with all  of you.

                                             My Nicholas looks so  content.  And he can  pose!

                                             I love him  so.  If there is a visit, I  will try to get a pic of both of us.

                                             Thanks for the cheer-up, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. LoveLoveLove!!!
    He says, “check meowt”!!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Isn't he just the most
    photogenic. He could make
    a fortune on commericals!

    And he is so loving.
