Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Proserpina Goes Back To Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             That is right, darlings.  Today is the first day of Autumn, and it came in quite nicely.  But don't expect it to last.  Because, once we have experienced Indian Summer, and  Proserpina  continues her stay in Hell, the weather will turn colder, the leaves will  fall from the trees, as Demeter, her mother, mourns the half-year loss of  her daughter.  Which is why we have the Four Seasons.  No, dears, not the vocal group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I am  pleasantly looking forward  to the quiet and tenderness of  Autumn.  My birthday falls within this season, and so do many I admire, including Sister Camille.

                                               So, let us joyfully segue into this mellow, contemplative, and  hopeful season.

                       And to musically usher in the season, here is Frank Sinatra, singing "Autumn In New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The changing of the seasons is always bittersweet.
    Like you, I am focusing on the Positives.


  2. Victoria,
    So important to focus on those.
    Or, as the song says, to accentuate it!
