Sunday, September 12, 2021

"......Right Here, In Front Of The Waverly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                              Yes, my dears, it is that time again.

                                               Happy "Frank Mills" Day!  Where has the time gone?

                                               I played the song first thing when  I got up.  Shelley Plimpton, of  course.

                                               I  will sing it live, later today.  I don't think  I will  go into  the city today, so my spirit will be in front of the Waverly.

                                                 However,  one may celebrate this day,  remember it!

                                                 Here is Shelley's inimitable rendition!  Cherish it!


  1. Victoria,
    Thank you so much. I sang it live,
    last night, at sundown!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Did you wear your groovy headband!
    Or your crash helmet lol

  3. Victoria,

    I just wore what I wore and sang.
    I don't have a crash helmet. I am not
    that type.
