Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Welcome September, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The 20th Anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center,  "Frank Mils" Day, kids returning to school, whether in person or remote, the end of Summer....the month has lots to  offer.  I am especially looking  forward to doing "Frank Mills" this year, because the 12th falls  on a Sunday, so  it  might be possible.

                                        And aren't the Victorian kitties cute?

                                         To think we have weathered two thirds of  this year, and, by this time next month, we will have passed three fourths of  2021.

                                          We just got our boosters today, so we are really starting the month off on  a kick!

                                             Meanwhile, Ida is  whizzing through here. Our cable almost went out,  so  it  is  working, which means I better write something quick about AHS last week,  to get us caught up.

                                               "On a picnic morning, without a warning," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I meant to tell you, my mother is complaining that nobody likes her at the retirement community.
    When she first moved in there was a flurry of lunch and dinner and coffee invites, phone calls, receptions etc.
    But she complained about THAT too!!

  2. Victoria,
    Sounds like David's Uncle Ernest!
