Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Would You Believe I Finally Did Something I Always Wanted, After Thirty-Eight Years Of Living In New York?????????????

                                          I am sure most of my readers recognisze this as the iconic shot from Woody Allen's 1979 film, "Manhattan."  Forget, for a moment, that this picture could never be made today.  The visual quality of the shot,  with Woody and Diane Keaton, is one of those images that still epitomizes New York.  I told myself that one day I would sit there, but it never happened.

                                           Until two days ago, on  Labor Day.  We were on  the East Side,  with our friends Dan and Norma, and took a walk.   We went to Sutton Place--I am ready to move there, darlings!-- and, as we walked  toward the river,  I  recognized  the  view!   Now, the spot has been renovated over  the years, but I was able to approximate it, and sat by it.  I was so excited, I forgot to have a picture taken.

                                               I am telling you, if this was not such a schlep from where I live, I would hang out here.  But, Bay Ridge has its own visual beauty, too.

                                                 The wait was long, but the occasion extra special because it was such an unexpected surprise.  I mean,  when that view was recognizable to me, it was like discovering a lost treasure.

                                                  Darlings, whether dwelling in  or visiting New York City, you have just GOT to do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    And I still would love to live on Sutton Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Sutton place sounds absolutely charming.
    Like a village.
    An EXPENSIVE village.


  2. Victoria,
    Oh, for sure, it is expensive.
    So quieet and private!
    Everything probably gets delivered!
