Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Cold? Oh, No! Baby, I Can't Believe Your Heart Is Cold! Maybe It's Just Afraid...To Be Broken Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Girls, I am telling you, what challenges we brides face,  once the officiate  pronounces us "man and wife," "husband and husband," "wife and wife," or  whatever.  But few have had such challenges as Mae Clarke, here, in her bridal gown, yet, having to face Boris Karloff as the Frankenstein monster.  And this, after having James Cagney shove a grapefruit into her face, earlier in the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         On last Saturday's viewing of this screen masterwork--which was restored and uncut--I was surprised at the budget expended upon it.  Much more than "Dracula."  The amount of extras in this film  almost  exceeded the lead players!  Colin Clive is the gayest mad scientist I have ever seen. There is  no doubt why he left the university; not because of his crackpot theories, but because he was caught in his dorm, with Fritz!!!!!!!!!!!!  They way Dwight Frye wields that whip, it is clear he has used it on Dr. Frankenstein.  And the latter has LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As for Elizabeth, I had forgotten she is not  killed in the movie--I had always thought she was--as she is,  in the novel.

                                            Frederick Kerr as Baron Frankenstein, is a riot; a real party animal, who just wishes his son would come home, and then come out!  Even he knows marriage to Elizabeth  is just convenience.   As for Marilyn Harris' iconic performance as  Little Maria, it may have taken her nowhere,  but she will  be remembered for this.   Imagine  being brave enough to let a  big guy like Boris Karloff throw you in the lake!  I am not  sure I could have done  it!

                                                 Pity Svengoolie is skipping the middle of the trilogy, the campy "Bride Of Frankenstein,"  with Elsa Lanchester wearing that electric doo everyone wants to get, at Sally Hershberger's!!!!!!!!!!!  Instead,  he  will be skipping  to "Son Of Frankenstein," which marked Karloff's last appearance as The Monster, and is where Universal ought to have ended things.  Alas.........

                                                   "Frankenstein," the original, is a screen masterpiece.  If you missed last Saturday, get hold of a DVD, and find out for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Meanwhile, girls, let's go to our bridal fittings, and get our hair done!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Another bride, another June, another sunny honeymoon...


  2. Victoria,
    "Another season, another reason, for makin' whopee!!!!!!!"
