Tuesday, October 26, 2021

I Thought "Roanoke" Was The Series' Worst Season! But "Double Feature," Especially "Death Valley," Made It Look Like A Masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Really, girls, after Mamie Eisenhower got her head blown off, that was it, for me.

                                          Sarah Paulson's lively reimagining of this woman livened things up so much her departure sank the show into a metaphorical quicksand bog.  Who cares about Kendall giving birth to the alleged "perfect" specimen, or that Calico is now participating in the birth project?

                                             Wait a minute, is this all wrong?  I mean, what time period  are we  in,  at the end?  The perfect baby was supposed to be born  in 2021, so that means it should have been the baby Lily Rabe gave birth to,  back in "Red Tide."

                                                Really, had the whole thing ended with Lily Rabe, still pregnant, awakening from what had been  a  horrible dream, that would have been perfect.  Add to  it the macabre touch of  the seemingly normal  family leaving  P-Town, with the final shot of a  seemingly innocent Alma, sitting in the back. looking out  the window, and sweetly waving at  the  untalented creatures, who suddenly would appear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     THAT is how one ends and connects a series.  And I don't even get paid  for my ideas!

                                                        This season  was such a disappointment,  I  think I am going to go back  and give "Roanoke" a re-examination.

                                                         I only hope Season 11 is better, and more cohesive, than this!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A LOT more, if they want to win me back!!

  2. Let’s go spend the night in an abandoned prison or hotel or asylum, now That would be entertaining!!!


  3. Victoria,
    Yes, Season 11 had better be an improvement.
    All your suggestions have been done. But
    here is one I would like to see--
    "American Horror Story--High School!"

  4. Family Guy did a parody of that, it was Hilarious!!

    I actually meant WE should spend the night in an abandoned asylum lol
    I’m not kidding; if I were younger I would Totally do it!!!

  5. Victoria,
    Yes, if I was younger, I would do it!
    Will have to check that "Family Guy"

  6. Yes it was so funny!!
    They pretended to re-boot the show as a
    Dark Sexy Supernatural Teen Drama lol
