Sunday, October 31, 2021

Ten Down, Two To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Not only is it Halloween, darlings, but it is the end of another month.  2021 is just speeding by.

                                                   A month of several friends' birthdays, my first return to a movie theater in almost two years, David and I taking a trip to Roosevelt Island, my reaching my goal  of reading 100 Books A Year,  with me trying now to break that record.  Yes, October has been quite a month.

                                                      Looking ahead, we have November, which includes Thanksgiving, Musical Theater Week, my birthday (OMG!) and who knows what hilarity lies ahead.  Hope your October was as blissful as ours, and everyone have a happy, safe and healthy November.

                                                       See you next month,  girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That’s the right attitude! No matter how dreadful this world seems, there is Always something to look forward to, something to be thankful for, someone who could use a word of encouragement, a way to brighten our lil corner of the world.
    Count your blessings, name them one by one...

  2. Victoria,

    I pray, and count them every day.
