Friday, November 12, 2021

Happy Belated Birthday, Stanley Tucci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        There is no denying it, girls.  Stanley Tucci is hot, Hot, HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!  How many of us--admit it, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!--have fantasized about Stanley coming to our homes, cooking a fabulous Italian meal, wearing an apron...and nothing else????????????????

                                            If anyone answers no, then you are lying.  Because who wouldn't want a home cooked meal from Stanley, dressed or not????????????????????????????

                                              Stanley is such a great cook, who cooks for him on his birthday?  Now,  there is a problem.

                                                 So, along with acknowledging all past, present, and future vets yesterday, let us remember to wish Stanley Tucci, a happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Looking good, Stanley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hmm I am easy to please, but it would have to be a pasta dish, perhaps with seafood, and chocolate cake or brownies for dessert.
    Or a fruit cobbler.
    Or those light cookies with the powdered sugar.

  2. Victoria,

    It all sounds good to me,
    but I would hardly refuse anything
    Stanley put in front of me.

  3. I know, can you imagine?!!
    He could elevate a peanut butter sandwich!!!

  4. Victoria,
    Stanley can cook for us,
    anytime he wants!
