Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Happy Birthday To The Power Engine Who REALLY Runs New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Now, darlings, I know Eric Adams was just elected yesterday, but that is just a symbol.  Today is  the birthday of Anna Wintour.  That's right--ANNA.  And she is who really runs this city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         At 72, nothing seems to stop ANNA.  I hope I look as good as she, when I reach that age.

                                          I am  sure there will be a huge birthday gathering for her at Balthazar's.  Were I more  comfortable about indoor eating, I would join  it.

                                           So, Happy Birthday Anna, from The Raving Queen, and all  his girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               You keep things going,  darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Welp, as a fellow ADAMS I am required to support Eric lol
    But my heart is with ANNA!!!!!

  2. Last night I happened to catch a news program with file footage of Anna at work (pre-sunglasses) circa 1994. My jaw dropped: she looked to be age 105, give or take a decade. No wonder she superglued the big shades to her face shortly afterward: she must have seen this clip too. Lord only knows what she actually looks like under those dark glasses today: perhaps she's the Portrait Of Dorian Gray to the ageless Jane Fonda?

    Not to take anything away from her achievements or power, of course: I was just truly shocked by how utterly ghastly she looked 26 years ago (not what I remembered at all). One tends to think these fashion icons are almost required to fit a certain mold to retain industry influence, but evidently Anna (and Grace Coddington) transcend that stereotype with impunity.

  3. Victoria,

    David and I went with Adams, as well.
    But ANNA really runs things!

  4. My Dear,
    Some people just improve with age.
    Think of all you have to look forward to!
